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About | CD/Book/Comics Submissions | Staff | Write for Us | History


TANGMONKEY.COM is a grinning, bright orange magazine, birthed into the world wide web in May of 2000. We're a Canadian project, with dens in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver; we publish new articles every weekday, with rants and Top Tens added to its database as they are submitted. Our concern is with the groovy, the evocative, the snide, and the smiling. We write about music, food, books, comics, film. We crack jokes and tell stories. We paint.

The site is maintained by a network of bold volunteers. To show your support for our efforts, share TM with your friends, and buy a t-shirt. The money gained from merchandise and the ad-banner in our Forum goes straight to server fees and site promotion. If ever we turn a massive profit, whoever's in charge of the bank account will likely flee to Argentina, but Tangmonkey will continue as before. Just as good. Just as orange.

Should you wish to take part, please do. Should you wish to submit items for review, that's fine too. Should you wish to simply hang around, doodling hearts and sending anonymous valentines, there's a line-up outside the door. I hear they're friendly.

For more, see our History.

CD/Book/Comics Submissions

For consideration by our staff, send comic-books, novels and music to the addresses below. Please note that although we will read/listen to all material we receive, we lack the capacity to review every item that is sent to us.
At this time, we do not review nonfiction, and music must be sent in CD format.

2060 Trenholme #2
Montreal, QC
H3T 1X6
4537 rue Clark
Montreal, QC
H2T 2T3


Editor in Chief:
Sean Michaels
Webmaster: David Valentiate
Design Director: Neale McDavitt-Van Fleet
Senior Editor - Books: Julian Smith
Senior Editor - Comics: Scott MacIver
Senior Editor - Food: JP Davidson
Senior Editor - Music: Sean Michaels
Senior Editor - Serial Novel: Ben Piper
Senior Editor - Top Ten: Gareth Auden-Hole
Active Columnists: Adam (Direction)
Dan Beirne (Waiting with Nathan)
Dan Haun (Blank)
Sarah (Cocktail Conspiracies)
Nathan Lane (Waiting with Nathan)
Rosemary Mosco (Bedtime Stories)
Music Writers: Dusty Dewan, Kevin J, Andrew Ladd, Sean Michaels, David Perri.
Contributing Music Writers: Evan Montpellier, Jordan Himelfarb, Alex Wlasenko, Matthew Pollesel, Dustin Sacks, Michael Schwartz, Esther Splett.
Serial Novel Writers: Steph Avery, Dan Haun, Mac Larwill, Neale McDavitt-Van Fleet, Sean Michaels, Ben Piper, Pat Snider, Mike Trudeau
Contributing Artists: Steph Avery, Clone, Emily Cook, Mike Corr, Martin Gauthier, Nathan McDavitt-Van Fleet, Ryan Stiner
Founding Editors: Gareth Auden-Hole, Mike Carr, JP Davidson, Mac Larwill, Peter Lumsden, Neale McDavitt-Van Fleet, Sean Michaels, Craig Smith, David Valentiate
Intern: Ulmo Mütte

Write for Us

TANGMONKEY.COM is always looking for new writers, artists, charlatans and reviewers, not necessarily in that order. The easiest way to contribute to the website is by submitting rants or top-ten lists to the aptly named RANT! and Top Ten sections. For those who are more serious however, there are additional opportunities:

Writers who are interested in writing a weekly column for Tangmonkey should send proposals to Sean Michaels or JP Davidson. Please include an outline of your proposed column concept/format, and a writing sample. Those who wish to join the staff of our Books, Comics, Food or Music Departments should contact the sections' respective Editors. We are also open to one-off articles, from serious commentary to satire. Look around the site for other places you may be able to get involved.

Artists who wish to lend support with occasional graphic design or banner support should contact Neale McDavitt-Van Fleet. Please include a sample of your work. Neale's column, Ink, also showcases the work of amateur artists on a weekly basis.

We can offer no payment to any of our contributors at this time. All of the staff at TANGMONKEY.COM operate on a volunteer basis.


TANGMONKEY.COM aspires to be the fuzzy blanket after the break-up, the sad song on the radio, the daisy-chain which makes life worth living. We hope to attract cantankerous surfers who participate on our bulletin boards, and quiet, demure young women who laugh at our jokes and offer up propositions of marriage. Tangmonkey is everything, to all people. It is goodness, mojo and yum, all rolled into a pint-sized Net-primate. C'mere and give us a hug.

The story of TANGMONKEY begins on a tourists' venture to Montreal, where in the winter of 2000 JP Davidson, Mac Larwill, Neale McDavitt-Van Fleet and Sean Michaels visited the Biodome. Our journey was motivated not by a fantatical desire to see animals caged in an artificial environment, but rather by the rather masculine urge to, uh, see Fantasia 2000 on an IMAX screen. Having completed the principal goal of the trip however, there was free time, and an enormously cool glass dome to visit.

Inside the Biodome, the quartet of genteel fellows came across a Golden Lion Tamarin, or, as JP observed, a monkey the colour of Tang™. The rest is history - the domain-name was purchased on the 25th of January, 2000, and the first incarnation of showcased The Saurus and, shortly after, the Tangmonkey Dance.

It was not until May, after a series of high-intensity programming sessions ("Jungle Carnivaals", to the lay-person), that something approaching the current TM was born. Over the next year, columns and comics joined the original suite of RANT!, Ball Lightning, Pulp, and TM Records. In August of 2001, a complete redesign brought with it Top Ten and the Ice-Cream. A year later, Tangmonkey was reshaped so that it might better showcase our regular writers and make silly noises more audible over the Internet din.

The founding Tangmonkey Group consisted of (in alphabetical order), Gareth Auden-Hole, Mike Carr, JP Davidson, Mac Larwill, Pat Leckey, Peter Lumsden, Sean Michaels, Neale McDavitt-van Fleet, Ulmo MŸtte, and Craig Smith. The site's current staff is listed above.

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Text, images, design, and our groovy mojo are ©.
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