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John Updike
7.16.2003 by Dan Beirne, every Wednesday.

Nathan Lane comes over every Wednesday to the house to watch a movie, or just chat with Dan. Dan found these little chats so interesting, he decided to tape-record them and tell the world all the neat things Nathan had to say about movies and stuff.

John Updike: American novelist, short story writer and poet, internationally known for his novels Rabbit, Run (1960), Rabbit Redux (1971), Rabbit Is Rich (1981), and Rabbit At Rest (1990).


Nathan: We should call Chuck!

Me: Yeah, we should call Chuck.

Nathan: He's such a great guy.

Me: Chuck is a great guy.

(you can hear the flag being raised)

Nathan: I don't think there's anyone who doesn't like Chuck.

Me: It's true. Nobody dislikes Chuck.

Nathan: How can you?

Me: You can't.

Nathan: So call him.

Me: You call him, it was your idea.

(the toilet flushes, but there was no one in the bathroom)

Nathan: You call him, you're better on the phone.

Me: What does that mean?

Nathan: I hate the phone!

Me: Oh, and I love it?

Nathan: Just call him.

Me: You call him, it was your idea.

Nathan: If you don't call him, nobody's going to call him, and we're just going to sit here.

Me: Fine.

Nathan: Yeah.

(they sat there for the rest of time)



Me: We should call Chuck!

Nathan: This book is like a perfect collection of snacks.

Me: We should totally call him!

Nathan: Such a lovely grouping of words. The worst part about being John Updike would be not having any John Updike to read.

Me: I thought it was dumb.

Nathan: Of course you did, sweetie. It's also a book that would be impossible to take out of its bookness, it exists only on paper.

Me: Kind of like you.

Nathan: Go to hell.

(an old man with an umbrella walks by, down in the street. He was trying to think of how to say "I want a divorce" in the nicest way possible)

as always, you can e-mail Nathan, to talk about whatever.

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