
That's Not What Your Sister Said!




Slow Century
3.18.2003 by , every Wednesday.
Nathan Lane comes over every Wednesday to the house to watch a movie, or just chat with Dan. Dan found these little chats so interesting, he decided to tape-record them and tell the world all the neat things Nathan had to say about movies and stuff.
Wednesday, March 12th, cloudy
Slow Century (2002): Documentary on the band Pavement. Includes all thirteen videos by the band.
Nathan: A burn victim in a prom dress.
Me: I just think this is some of the most clever music I've ever heard.
Nathan: A swimsuit model in a wheelchair.
Me: Never before have I seen more of myself in a band.
(you can hear Nathan clipping his fingernails)
Me: It's like reading about your grandparents. This is something I could do.
Nathan: People working on their screenplay.
Me: I think "Painted Soldiers" is the best video on here.
Nathan: Waking up and realizing it's 6pm.
Me: Even though it's a Spiral Stairs song, which sucks.
Nathan: A writer who knows they're bad.
Me: I just think it's the best made. Though I've heard other people say "Carrot Rope" is their favourite.
Nathan: Turning off the television.
Me: What do you think?
Nathan: Clipping your fingernails.
Me: Anyway, this live footage would be great, except for this cameraman who keeps zooming in on this one girl in the crowd. It's kinda depressing.
Nathan: A man on the bus scaring a young girl with his innocent questions.
Me: Isn't it strange how one day you can hate something, and then the next day you can love it?
Nathan: Jokes about Michael Jackson.
Me: I was sitting on the subway the other day, and I could hear Pavement playing in someone else's headphones. It was so great.
(you can hear my mom slam the fridge. it was an accident)
Me: Stephen Malkmus has a new album coming out. Are you going to get it?
Nathan: Talking about homework.
Me: I probably am. Probably.
Nathan: "I think they want us to leave".
Me: Yesterday, I ate a pudding cup, and then put the empty cup in the toaster by mistake. How crazy is that?
Nathan: Happy fat girls.
Me: I like that shirt. Were you wearing it last week?
(you can hear me sniffling. I have the sniffles)
Me: Sometimes I do that. I have specific clothes that I like to wear that represent my personality, but then I end up wearing like the same shirt to the same class like three weeks in a row.
Nathan: Other people's mail.
Me: People must think I'm an idiot.
Nathan: Day-old balloons.
Me: Like I never change my clothes or something.
Nathan: Sitting here with you.
as always, you can e-mail Nathan at hakunamattata69@hotmail.com to talk about movies or just chat about whatever.
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