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Indiana Jones
2.4.2003 by , every Wednesday.
Nathan Lane comes over every Wednesday to the house to watch a movie, or just chat with Dan. Dan found these little chats so interesting, he decided to tape-record them and tell the world all the neat things Nathan had to say about movies and stuff.
Wednesday, January 29th, sunny
Indiana Jones Live Stunt Show: The characters from the popular movie perform the famous spine-tingling stunts from the film, right before your very eyes! And maybe, if things don't go according to plan, Indy might have to rely on you for help!
(In a hotel room in the southern States)
Nathan: Like a choreography of fire!
Me: I thought it was too scary.
Nathan: When that German came storming at the audience, I thought I would simply die!
Me: Hand me my Goofy hat.
Nathan: What a day it has been, Dan, what a marvellous day!
Me: I liked the Honey I Shrunk the Kids park.
Nathan: Not me. It was better when I was younger.
Me: What?
(the Goofy ears blocked my hearing a bit)
Nathan: Nothing. You still owe me for admission.
Me: But I only enjoyed myself on like two rides.
Nathan: What other one?
Me: Where did you go for that two hour stretch?
Nathan: Answer me first.
Me: When Minnie smiled at me.
Nathan: That's not a ride. Pirates of the Caribbean.
Me: Exactly, so I shouldn't have to pay. Oh, I could never go on that.
Nathan: You're paying, if I have to squeeze it out of you. How come?
Me: Way too scary.
Nathan: How can they be making a movie out of that ride?
Me: I'm certainly not going to see it.
Nathan: A ride is a sensation, that's like making Falling: The Movie.
Me: What?
Nathan: Fine. Mini-bar's on you and we'll call it even.
(Nathan got up to open the little fridge, and the door opened. It was Nathan's father. He was with a woman, who was not his mother. She had a name tag that said, "Kim".)
Nathan's father: Right in here, Charlotte, I--Nathan?
Nathan: Dad?
Me: Well, I guess it certainly is a small world after--
(Nathan pushed stop on the recorder. We didn't stay in the hotel as long as we had planned to.)
as always, you can e-mail Nathan at hakunamattata69@hotmail.com to talk about movies or just chat about whatever.
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989): The adventures of a young man who loved a bit of the old ultra-violence, went to jail, was brainwashed and came out cured, or was he?
Falling: The Movie (2004): Jean Reno stars in the delightful, but also horribly frightening, tale of Paul, a man doomed to fall for the rest of his life, or was he?
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