



The Sopranos
12.10.2002 by , every Wednesday.
Nathan Lane comes over every Wednesday to the house to watch a movie, or just chat with Dan. Dan found these little chats so interesting, he decided to tape-record them and tell the world all the neat things Nathan had to say about movies and stuff.
Wednesday, October 30th, cloudy
"The Sopranos": Season 3, ep. 9 (2001) Tony continues his affair with Gloria, Meadow increases her relationship with Jackie Jr., who turns out, to Tony, to be less and less respectable. Anthony Jr. is caught vandalizing the school on Carmella's birthday, and Melfi becomes increasingly frustrated with the dishonesty and aggravation from her patients. Starring James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, Lorraine Bracco, and created by David Chase.
Me: Hm, that was a good one.
Nathan: Yeah, this show just gets more incredible the more I watch it. It's becoming this, like, giant pillar of art.
Me: Yeah.
Nathan: I mean, each episode is no longer the advancement of the soap opera plots, it's a whole journey and a cinematic tour-de-force.
Me: Is that french?
Nathan: And the acting...it's just cast so perfectly.
Me: Yeah, that's what I was thinking when I was writing mine.
Nathan: ....your what?
Me: My Sopranos episode.
Nathan: Oh.
Me: Yeah.
Nathan: You wrote a Sopranos episode?
Me: Yeah. It's a little different from the rest of the show, but I think the show needs some growth.
(it sounds like Nathan is having breathing problems, because each word he says seems to cause him pain)
Nathan: How so?
Me: How is it different? Well, it mostly focuses on a new character, but I mean, the character interacts with the other people in the show.
Nathan: ....So what's it about?
(Nathan puts on my Drifters album)
Me: Well, it's about Mickey, an Irish immigrant who tries to take over Tony's business.
Nathan: So it mostly focusses on this Irish guy Mickey?
(...drip drip, drippity drop...)
Me: Yeah, you know. He's like, crazy, and stuff.
Nathan: Mm hmm, and who did you have in mind to play this character?
Me: Well, I don't know, you know, I mean, I'm not a casting agent.
(...my baby's gone and left me, said I'm hip hip hip...)
Nathan: But if you could choose the person, out of anyone in Hollywood, who would it be?
Me: Well, I think it should be Robert De Niro, or somebody. But if they couldn't find anybody, you know, who could handle the role, you know--
Nathan: Here it comes.
(....I catch a Greyhound Bus for home, they all say...)
Me: I could probably do it. You know, I know the character best.
Nathan: Of course.
(...'cause I can play this here guitar....)
Me: So, I was thinking I'd just mail it to David Chase, you know, and he'll probably really like it.
Nathan: Well, we'll see I guess.
(a car horn from the driveway)
Nathan: Ope, that's me, I'll see you.
Me: Um, but I was thinking, since you--
Nathan: I'll bring that book, I swear.
Me: Oh, yeah--
Nathan: (from down the hall) Bye!
(...everybody's gonna know me, yeah....on broadway...)
As always, you can e-mail Nathan at hakunamattata69@hotmail.com, to talk about movies or just chat about whatever.
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