



March 26, 2002 - New Issue! Series 2: Issue 13.
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pulp is the arts & entertainment zine that a cynical, sarcastic, morally corrupt cat-killer might write, were he not already busy watching Brazen Soul Suckers for the eightieth time. As it stands, pulp is a zine regularly published by evil mastermind and arch-nemesis-to-all, Ash. With the help of some unwitting contributors, he produces a digest that is sure to freeze even the warmest and fuzziest of hearts. Go ahead and delve in; you are warned, however, that if you don't enjoy pulp, it's likely that reading it will kill you. Don't say we didn't warn you. The twisted writers of pulp can be contacted at pulp@tangmonkey.com.

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Stack trace:
#0 /home/public/pulp/index.php(1): require()
#1 {main}
thrown in /home/public/pulp/includes/footer.php on line 3
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