
Bill Gates.... awhh, forget it.




Back to the Future
3.5.2003 by , every Wednesday.
Nathan Lane comes over every Wednesday to the house to watch a movie, or just chat with Dan. Dan found these little chats so interesting, he decided to tape-record them and tell the world all the neat things Nathan had to say about movies and stuff.
Wednesday, February 26th, cloudy
Back To The Future (1985): Eccentric Doc Brown invents time travel; young Marty McFly goes back in time, stops his parents from meeting; they must, or he won't be born. Starring Michael J. Fox, Crispin Glover, and Christoper Lloyd, and directed by Robert Zemeckis.
Nathan: They actually had the balls to say "To Be Continued".
Me: Ha ha, yeah.
Nathan: That was fun. A romp.
Me: I need groceries.
Nathan: They seem to have left some inconsistencies about time travel in, though.
Me: Well, I need bananas for sure.
Nathan: Are you listening to me?
Me: Yeah, I was listening. I was.
Nathan: Then what did I say?
Me: You said you have some inconsistencies. Or something.
Nathan: That is it, Dan. That is it.
Me: What is it?
Nathan: I'm through. You don't care.
Me: What?
Nathan: You couldn't care less if I was here or not.
(you can hear Ruffles watching tv. Jennie Jones, I think)
Me: That is not true.
Nathan: That is so true!
Me: Listen, I don't want to fight with you--
Nathan: Neither do I. I'm out of here.
(Nathan left and started walking down the street. Diana wasn't even here yet)
Me: Ruffles, do something!
Ruffles: You're on your own.
Me: I am on my own. For real.
(a sound like an orange being ripped in half. Or a grapefruit)
Stranger: No, you're not, Dan.
Me: Oh my goodness, you scared me.
Stranger: Take this.
Me: Are you a friend of my mom's?
(I took an envelope that said, "do not open until the start of the 2008 Olympics")
Stranger: It's very important that you make amends with Nathan.
Me: Um, what?
Stranger: Don't think about it, just do it. You two must remain friends.
Me: I don't think we ever were friends.
Stranger: Just keep meeting!
Me: Where are the rest of your clothes?
Stranger: I don't suffer from warm-bloodedness anymore.
Me: I'm sorry?
Stranger: I'm taking Ruffles. C'mon boy.
Ruffles: Mm-hmm.
Stranger: Make up with Nathan. For all our sakes.
(then you can hear what sounds like a ripped apart orange being put back together. Or a grapefruit)
Diana: (from the downstairs hallway) Dan? Nathan?!
Me: (sigh) This is boring.
as always, you can e-mail Nathan at hakunamattata69@hotmail.com to talk about movies or just chat about whatever.
can someone please apologise to Nathan for me? I've called his house a bunch of times, but I don't think his girlfriend is giving him the message. Just let him know that you want to keep reading his thoughts on movies. Thanks.
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